Industrial Emissions Directive

· A9-0216/2023 · Accord provisoire - Am 313

  • Strictest achievable emissions levels will become mandatory for covered sectors
  • Rules to reduce air, water and soil pollution bring significant health and environmental benefits for citizens
  • Public will have better access to EU permits and local polluting activities through new EU Industrial Emissions Portal
  • Commission will review in 2026 whether cattle farms should be included

For: 393(64 %). Against: 173(28 %). Abstentions: 49(8 %). In total, 615 MEPs voted. 90 MEPs didn’t vote.

  • Magdalena ADAMOWICZ
    EPP · Poland
  • Asim ADEMOV
    EPP · Bulgaria
  • Isabella ADINOLFI
    EPP · Italy
  • Matteo ADINOLFI
    ID · Italy
    S&D · Malta
  • Mazaly AGUILAR
    ECR · Spain
  • Clara AGUILERA
    S&D · Spain
    Renew · Sweden
  • Alviina ALAMETSÄ
    Greens/EFA · Finland
    S&D · Portugal

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