Resolution on the de facto ban on the right to abortion in Poland

· B9-0373/2020/rev · Résolution

  • Restricting abortion rights only leads to more unsafe abortions
  • Ruling should not have been made when public health restrictions were in place and public assemblies banned
  • Women’s fundamental human rights are no longer guaranteed
  • EU must react to the “systemic collapse of the rule of law”

For: 455(68 %). Against: 145(22 %). Abstentions: 71(11 %). In total, 671 MEPs voted. 34 MEPs didn’t vote.

  • Magdalena ADAMOWICZ
    EPP · Poland
  • Asim ADEMOV
    EPP · Bulgaria
  • Isabella ADINOLFI
    Non-attached · Italy
  • Matteo ADINOLFI
    ID · Italy
    S&D · Malta
  • Mazaly AGUILAR
    ECR · Spain
  • Clara AGUILERA
    S&D · Spain
    Renew · Sweden
  • Alviina ALAMETSÄ
    Greens/EFA · Finland
    EPP · Bulgaria

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